What has happened at Kukuruza??
Is Kukuruza closed? What has happed to Kukuruza? Is there no Gourmet Popcorn in Seattle? Will I need to find a new food obsession? We've gotten hundreds of emails from concerned Kukuruza Devotees like you asking these same questions. The short answer is "Dont worry, It's all good!" You can still order the same great flavors and have them delivered right to your door. For those who want the full scoop, here it is... Let's start at the beginning. Back in August, Kukuruza was having some issues keeping up with the endless demands of running an awesome Popcorn Empire. 2 Devout popcorn lovers (that's us) stepped in to help. As customers for years, we saw how incredible Kukuruza was. Fresh gourmet popcorn that screamed Seattle, what more could we want?! However, Kukuruza was in need of some SERIOUS love. So the two of us made a deal to keep the brand...
Nov 26, 2018
12 Days of KuKuRuZa Giveaways - DAY TWELVE
Enter to Win a FREE KuKuRuZa Collection.
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Dec 16, 2017
12 Days of KuKuRuZa Giveaways - DAY ELEVEN
Win a FREE Holiday Flight Carton.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Dec 15, 2017
12 Days of KuKuRuZa Giveaways - DAY TEN
Enter to win a FREE KuKuRuZa Favorite Ribbon Gift Bag.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Dec 14, 2017